The seasons starts Wednesday, August 21sh, 2024 and ends on Friday, May 16th, 2025. We follow Weber School District traditional school calendar exactly including snowdays.

Huntsville Parade! July 4th, the entire studio is welcomed to walk with us! -THE BOSTON TEA ‘PARTY’-

Summer master classes August 5-9th with some fantastic guest teachers -register online-

The studio will be CLOSED on the following dates:
-September 2nd (Labor Day)
-October 17-18th (Fall Break)
-November 1st -November 27th- 29th (Thanksgiving Break)
-December 23rd - January 1st (Winter Break) -January 10th -February 14th (Valentine’s Day)
-February 17th (President’s Day)
-March 31st-April 4th (Spring Break)

*Tuition has been prorated throughout the season and takes into account studio closing dates due to school vacation holidays. Tuition remains the same for all months.

-Tech week 15th-21st -Dress Rehearsal ‘Tentatively’ Nov 22nd @Valley Elementary 5:30-7:30pm -Fall Recital - Tentatively Nov 23rd @Valley Elementary 6pm
-Studio Pictures - April 1st @the studio
-Tech week tbd -Dress Rehearsal tbd -Spring Recital tbd

Registration for regular season classes at Valley Dance Studio must be completed online prior to enrollment.  An annual non-refundable registration fee must be paid in order for a participant to attend class.


1hr - $55

Payment Options:

1. Monthly Subscription - You can set up a monthly subscription that will automatically withdraw the tuition on the first of every month.
2. Full Payment Upfront - You can pay for the whole season tuition upfront. Please arrange this method with the studio director.

We enforce a zero tolerance policy towards bullying and bad behavior. Our studio is a safe space for children and we will not allow any negative attitudes and hurtful words or actions to happen here. If your child is involved in any such behavior and their actions are not corrected they will be asked to leave our programs

In order to provide your student with the best education, we ask that parents do not observe. If you feel like you need to, please reach out to the studio director to make arrangements. There are a few of the lower level preschool classes where observation is allowed.

Any dancer who does not comply with the dress code will be asked to sit out until they are dressed properly. Why is dress code so important? It enables our instructors to see your positions and movements so they can give necessary corrections.


-Registration fee $45 pre-sale during the month of June $65 year round

-Costume fee $200 For fall and Spring Costumes

-Recital Fee $85 Fall recital $110 Spring Recital

*PLEASE NOTE - To maintain high standards and quality instructors our prices will likely have annual increases to keep up with inflation.